Catching the Snow
Here’s a quick post showing the plein air paintings I completed during the very short burst of cold weather we’ve recently experienced. These mark the first time in many, many months that I’ve ventured outside to paint. I find it…

Finally some Bulbs of Garlic
Garlic bulbs seem to be very popular with artists as a still life subject. This is the first time that I have painted them – in a dark corner of the studio, with a red onion for company, fading into…

Pomegranate and The Parian Jug
A one shot alla prima painting of a Parian ware jug with a pomegranate. I thought the jug, with its relief patterning and figures, would be the difficult object to capture…. but no, it was the pomegranate.

Daisies’ Last Gasp
This is a quick sketch of the daisies I painted earlier in the week (whose longevity I am amazed by). The length of time I spent on it aside, some days I really feel that I have lost any painting…

Old Bottles
It was getting dark by the time I was ready to photograph this sketch of old bottles. The fading light has resulted in a less than sharp image to post. When painting this, I was mindful of suggesting the subject…

A State of Undress
Today’s painting was again quickly completed. It has lead to me considering more about the mark making of brushes and paint, and I really enjoyed more than a little experimentation. Paint handling is like handwriting, and I believe it evolves…

Paint Pot
OK, this isn’t brilliant, but like all of these sketches something is learned. The paintings from this week have all been done in around an hour. I’m not practised enough at working so quickly, and an object such as this…

Here’s one you might need some help to identify… it’s a strange bronze paperweight in the form of the head of a bulldog wearing a bowler hat. I placed it on a copy of John Berger’s ‘Ways of Seeing’, a…

I haven’t been painting at all for a couple of weeks. Here’s a quick alla prima sketch of some large daisies from the garden to get things going again. I’ve been thinking that committing to a painting a day, for…