Yellow and Green
A little citrus still life with some stronger colours than those usually found on my palette – namely Viridian and Pthalo Blue. I was particularly interested in the light shining through the glass bottle and reflecting its beautiful green on…

Catching the Snow
Here’s a quick post showing the plein air paintings I completed during the very short burst of cold weather we’ve recently experienced. These mark the first time in many, many months that I’ve ventured outside to paint. I find it…

Lone Feather
Found on a walk where I saw 11(!) Red Kites, a couple of Buzzards, a Woodpecker and many little Partridges. I don’t know which bird this feather is from, but my guess is that it is a raptor of some…

An Act of Remembrance
Another painting on Arches oil paper, which I continue to enjoy. I wanted to play with perspective a little bit with this one, and included a blue backdrop in order to add both an element of colour as well as…

Basil and Fred
Another painting on paper, this time larger at around 10″x 12″. I find green a tricky colour to use. Depending on the combination of yellow and blue used to mix it, it can sometimes feel quite thin and under-powered. Then,…

Experiments on paper
I’ve been enjoying using Instagram for the last few months. I pretty much keep my activity entirely related to art, and have discovered some great inspiration from the people I follow. Recently I’ve been noticing quite a few artists working…

Finally some Bulbs of Garlic
Garlic bulbs seem to be very popular with artists as a still life subject. This is the first time that I have painted them – in a dark corner of the studio, with a red onion for company, fading into…

Lemon in Grey
This was very nearly wiped out, but I felt it had just enough going for it to save it. That said, it’s not satisfactory and I suspect I will paint something else on the other side of the panel –…

Charlie. Another small portrait
Here’s a new, small portrait that was painted alla prima style over a few short ad-hoc sessions. These are poor quality phone pics unfortunately, and the actual painting does have much greater subtlety in colour and brushwork. I used another…

Pick and Mix Still Life
Five little alla prima paintings from my Easter holiday. I did others too, but they were all culled. Each painting has a very slightly different surface – some gesso, some linen, some slippy, some absorbent, and so on. This meant…