Charcoal Portrait
Following on from my previous post, a life-size charcoal portrait really is something that I haven’t done for a long time. I feel that I got back to basics with this, and very much enjoyed it. I’m pleased with the…

Back to Drawing
These studies were a result of feeling that I just wanted some straightforward sight-size practice to get my eye in, so to speak. Both took 4 or 5 sessions each, which is relatively rapid for this kind of exercise. I…

Longer Pose Figure Drawings
Here is a collection of life drawings from the final term at Sarum Studio before the summer break. These are poses that are sustained for longer periods than anything we do at sketch club, although still relatively quick compared to…

Unfinished Chalk and Charcoal
Here’s a recent life study that remains unfinished due to lack of time. Notwithstanding, I’m pleased with a lot of elements in the drawing – the portrait being the main example, where I used up much of the time available…

The Deathshead Moth Tattoo
Here is a relatively quick figure drawing from a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed this project, especially the challenge of representing the model’s tattoo. The following pictures show key stages along the way, as the proportions are mapped…

Danger lies in the halftones
A fairly quick standing pose drawn in charcoal and chalk on toned paper. The tricky thing with this one was in keeping the halftones under control. In order to keep a sense of clarity and impact, getting bogged down in…

Charcoal Portrait
My first charcoal portrait for a long time and I was encouraged by how quickly I got a good likeness. The mark-making is quite controlled and the overall statement clean and stark. In a way though I’d prefer a drawing…

Moving on and getting back to work
Well, back to work after a couple of weeks away from the easel. There’s nothing like the meditation of concentrated drawing to make you forget other thoughts and simply be in the present. This was a complicated pose to capture…

Figure Drawing
Not much to say about this one. I didn’t spend too long on it, which helped me to keep things loose-ish with visible mark-making and energy here and there.