A collection of small figure drawings in pencil and paint
I don’t have very much to add by way of comment on these little exercises. The painted figure is the first I’ve tried on the Arches oil paper that I have enjoyed using with still life subjects. Whilst I like…

The Deathshead Moth Tattoo
Here is a relatively quick figure drawing from a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed this project, especially the challenge of representing the model’s tattoo. The following pictures show key stages along the way, as the proportions are mapped…

Moving on and getting back to work
Well, back to work after a couple of weeks away from the easel. There’s nothing like the meditation of concentrated drawing to make you forget other thoughts and simply be in the present. This was a complicated pose to capture…

Trying to Keep things Sketchy
Here’s a relatively quick figure drawing (4 sessions) where I purposefully tried to keep things sketchy and dynamic, leaving marks in a rawer state without refining them too much. I want the proportions and characterisation of the pose to be…

Stocks in the Silver Coffee Pot
It’s been a while since my last post as I was unfortunately struck down by a summer bug which has taken a few weeks to get over. I’ve slowly been getting back to normal and started back at the easel…

Feet, feet, feet
A new figure study, which in the most part I am pleased with. It’s not without its problems, and with more time I would have resolved (or tried to) the areas that are not quite right. Again, I left the…

Three Shot Portrait Drawing
This is the quickest I have managed to bring a life-size portrait to this stage of resolution – 3 shots of just under 2 hours each. There are certainly areas that I could tweak and continue to refine, but the…

Gesture and Scale
Some more quick poses from my new life class. In this session we were considering changes of scale to fill ever smaller pieces of paper. For me, it was more opportunity to practise quick gesture drawing, which I’m not used…

Sarum Studio, week 5
Probably my best charcoal portrait drawing to date. This didn’t start to come together until late on in the third day, when I got really frustrated with it and threw caution to the wind. At this point I quite roughly…

Charcoal Portrait – Sarum Studio
For the third year running, I’m back at Sarum Studio summer school. Friends have questioned why I keep returning… well, firstly because an artist never stops learning. Secondly though, it does me a lot of good being around other people…