Gouache figure painting
Following on from watercolour, I have also been experimenting with gouache. It is a medium that I have found to be unlike any other, with its own unique set of advantages and problems. I absolutely hated using it at first,…

Back to Drawing
These studies were a result of feeling that I just wanted some straightforward sight-size practice to get my eye in, so to speak. Both took 4 or 5 sessions each, which is relatively rapid for this kind of exercise. I…

Figure Painting
A couple of little figure studies from before Christmas. Fairly pedestrian in nature, but I quite like them.

Longer Pose Figure Drawings
Here is a collection of life drawings from the final term at Sarum Studio before the summer break. These are poses that are sustained for longer periods than anything we do at sketch club, although still relatively quick compared to…

Unfinished Chalk and Charcoal
Here’s a recent life study that remains unfinished due to lack of time. Notwithstanding, I’m pleased with a lot of elements in the drawing – the portrait being the main example, where I used up much of the time available…

The Deathshead Moth Tattoo
Here is a relatively quick figure drawing from a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed this project, especially the challenge of representing the model’s tattoo. The following pictures show key stages along the way, as the proportions are mapped…

A Drawing and a Painting
Two recent figure studies, one a drawing and one in paint. The charcoal drawing is larger and was done over 7 or 8 sessions, and the painting is very small and mostly completed in one session with a little tidying…

Figure Drawing
My latest figure study, this was completed over 10 sessions. The main battle was with the handling of the charcoal – working the surface of the paper and refining the drawing as it went along. I personally prefer the look…

Some quick sketches of hands made in this week’s class. I should really do much more practise of this kind as hands are so expressive and can add so much more to a figure or portrait study. I think the…