Gouache figure painting
Following on from watercolour, I have also been experimenting with gouache. It is a medium that I have found to be unlike any other, with its own unique set of advantages and problems. I absolutely hated using it at first,…

Back to Drawing
These studies were a result of feeling that I just wanted some straightforward sight-size practice to get my eye in, so to speak. Both took 4 or 5 sessions each, which is relatively rapid for this kind of exercise. I…

Figure Painting
A couple of little figure studies from before Christmas. Fairly pedestrian in nature, but I quite like them.

Unfinished Chalk and Charcoal
Here’s a recent life study that remains unfinished due to lack of time. Notwithstanding, I’m pleased with a lot of elements in the drawing – the portrait being the main example, where I used up much of the time available…

Trying to Keep things Sketchy
Here’s a relatively quick figure drawing (4 sessions) where I purposefully tried to keep things sketchy and dynamic, leaving marks in a rawer state without refining them too much. I want the proportions and characterisation of the pose to be…

Watercolour Paint
This week’s class concentrated on paint alone – in my case, watercolours from Lidl(!) which I used quite thickly as if they were oil or acrylic. Anatomical accuracy has gone out of the window, but I enjoy the freedom of…