More figure drawing, new paper
Here’s a quickish life study where I tried out a new paper – Canson’s Ingres in grey. It has a high rag content, which I found made it pretty durable, although it is quite thin. The best thing though is…

New term figure drawing
I struggled to get back into figure drawing after a 3 week Easter break. This is the first study of the new term. I kept things quite sketchy and open, still experimenting with charcoal mark-making. I got a bit too…

Figure Drawing
My latest figure study, this was completed over 10 sessions. The main battle was with the handling of the charcoal – working the surface of the paper and refining the drawing as it went along. I personally prefer the look…

More Figure Studies
It’s been a while since my last post, but I have been busy in the interim period. I’ve finished another portrait – elements of which I am very pleased with – and some more figure studies. Unfortunately I’ve been let…

And finally, one more charcoal portrait
I’m aiming to get back to some painting now, so this might be the last charcoal drawing for a while. The model for this one is Clare, who happens to be Caleb’s mother. I had slightly less time for this…

Male figure drawing
It’s been quite a while since we had a male model for figure drawing, and it was a welcome change to consider the difference in musculature. I am generally pleased with this drawing, although less pleased with the position I…

October Figure Drawing
Here are a couple of long pose figure drawings from this month at Sarum Studio. Each one was approached slightly differently, and I consciously experimented with different ways of putting down charcoal – sometimes using a stump, sometimes a tissue…

Life Drawing Gesture Poses
Short 15 min gesture poses. Very enjoyable – and I got to sit down to work for a change.

Charcoal Portrait
My first portrait drawing for a few months. I’m mostly satisfied with it, and the likeness and psychology are good. I really struggled with the articulation of the head and neck though – getting the sense of weight and roundness….

Feet, feet, feet
A new figure study, which in the most part I am pleased with. It’s not without its problems, and with more time I would have resolved (or tried to) the areas that are not quite right. Again, I left the…