Almost, but not quite
Here’s a new portrait sketch that I’m starting to appreciate a little more now I have finished working on it. It’s close in likeness to the model, but it’s not quite her. The tiniest of changes here or there and…

Three Shot Portrait Drawing
This is the quickest I have managed to bring a life-size portrait to this stage of resolution – 3 shots of just under 2 hours each. There are certainly areas that I could tweak and continue to refine, but the…

Figure Drawing
My latest figure drawing project from Sarum Studio. This was completed in 8 sessions of around 2 hours each. The actual drawing has a greater sense of luminosity and flow of light than is captured by the photograph. Still, you…

Recent Drawing Exercises
For the past few weeks I’ve been back at Sarum Studio. It’s been good to get back to a routine and be working with other people. We are currently limiting the classes to 3 days a week, which suits me…

Making it up
This study was a really interesting one for me to work on, presenting a number of challenges along the way. Firstly, I was using another of the very smooth gessoed panels that I recently bought from Zecchi. I’m not used…

Watercolour Paint
This week’s class concentrated on paint alone – in my case, watercolours from Lidl(!) which I used quite thickly as if they were oil or acrylic. Anatomical accuracy has gone out of the window, but I enjoy the freedom of…

Graphite and Paint
Here are the drawings from today’s life class. I don’t particularly like these very much, although there are elements of mark-making within each one that capture an impression of energy or expression that, in isolation, work quite well. The materials…

Negative Space and Mass
Some more quick pose sketches, this time concentrating on the negative space around the model, and the larger shapes to describe mass through shadow. It’s difficult not to slip into a linear way of describing the form, and I had…

Gesture and Scale
Some more quick poses from my new life class. In this session we were considering changes of scale to fill ever smaller pieces of paper. For me, it was more opportunity to practise quick gesture drawing, which I’m not used…

Quick Poses
I went to Pegasus (my favourite art supplier) this weekend in order to stock up on materials. While there I saw a leaflet for a weekly life drawing class, and decided to sign up. Mainly I just want to explore…