Bergamots on a Delft Plate
In more palette experimentation, I didn’t use any earth colours in this painting; relying on a palette containing Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium Red Medium, Alizarin Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue and White. I again used minimum medium and found the texture…

I used a more subdued palette for this painting of a lemon, where nonetheless, the subject seemed to shine out of the darkness. I made a conscious effort to use little medium, put down thicker paint and not fuss the…

Yellow and Green
A little citrus still life with some stronger colours than those usually found on my palette – namely Viridian and Pthalo Blue. I was particularly interested in the light shining through the glass bottle and reflecting its beautiful green on…

Figure Painting
A couple of little figure studies from before Christmas. Fairly pedestrian in nature, but I quite like them.

Close-up Portrait II
Another close-cropped portrait. This time of the lovely, glamorous Jo; such an engaging and interesting lady. This was painted very broadly, and my panel was in shadow for most of the sittings. It was a bit of a shock when…

Close-up Portrait
Here’s another small portrait that I completed before Christmas. I’ve had quite limited studio time lately and this scale isn’t too big a commitment – usually meaning that each project will (for good or bad) reach a conclusion. I didn’t…

Painting Victor
This painting was the first of my more recent work, following what turned out to be a very long summer break. It was completed towards the end of October and features a delightful model by the name of Victor Caulfield…

Midsummer Portrait
I’m very nearly up to date with posting work now. I’ve had an incredibly unproductive few months, so unless I really pull my socks up, the sparsity of my blogging will only get worse. Partly I have just been lazy,…

Dark Paintings in Gloomy Corners
Absolutely everything was difficult about this portrait (apart from the model, who was a pleasure to work with). In hindsight, the dark corner where we set up was just too gloomy and difficult to see in. The day we started…