2020 update #1
I have been neglecting my website terribly this year. I have no excuses for this other than being busy and focussed on making new work. Although things have been very far from normal across the globe for the last few…

Close-up Portrait II
Another close-cropped portrait. This time of the lovely, glamorous Jo; such an engaging and interesting lady. This was painted very broadly, and my panel was in shadow for most of the sittings. It was a bit of a shock when…

Close-up Portrait
Here’s another small portrait that I completed before Christmas. I’ve had quite limited studio time lately and this scale isn’t too big a commitment – usually meaning that each project will (for good or bad) reach a conclusion. I didn’t…

Painting Victor
This painting was the first of my more recent work, following what turned out to be a very long summer break. It was completed towards the end of October and features a delightful model by the name of Victor Caulfield…

Midsummer Portrait
I’m very nearly up to date with posting work now. I’ve had an incredibly unproductive few months, so unless I really pull my socks up, the sparsity of my blogging will only get worse. Partly I have just been lazy,…

Dark Paintings in Gloomy Corners
Absolutely everything was difficult about this portrait (apart from the model, who was a pleasure to work with). In hindsight, the dark corner where we set up was just too gloomy and difficult to see in. The day we started…

Oil Sketch of Fred
Fred is such a great character to paint. Here’s a relatively quick oil sketch completed over 3 sittings of 2 hours each. I could have done with one more sitting I think, to sharpen up here and there, but unfortunately…

Portrait of Tony
This portrait was started around January time, shortly before Meg died. That event sadly interrupted my finishing of the painting, and as such the hands remained in limbo for quite a few weeks. They were largely blocked in and positioned,…

A Collection of Small Portraits in Oil
Here are some small portraits from the final few weeks of term before the Christmas break. I really enjoyed working on these, trying a few subtly different pigments – Michael Harding’s Warm White Lead Replacement, and Slate and Vine Blacks…

Portrait, as yet untitled
This is more of a teaser post for a recently finished portrait that is proving very difficult to photograph while it dries adequately enough for a coat of unifying varnish. Hopefully there’ll be some better images to come.