What Was I Thinking?
In my mind I had the cool detachment and sophistication of Euan Uglow’s still life paintings… what I painted was this oddity. Honestly, I don’t know quite what I was thinking, this just doesn’t work for me. On the positive…

Future Past
This recent oil portrait was completed in around 12 sittings – the shoulders and shirt being the biggest headache of the whole thing! How far to develop them, how to give the pose some more psychology using form alone and…

Year end, new work
After too much fussing and tweaking, I have finally reached a resolution on this larger still life painting that I started before Christmas. It was an organic-ish composition whose foundation item was the brown bag. On the day that I…

Small Figure Paintings
This is a long overdue post. I have been working on quite a few pieces over the last few weeks, but none of them are quite finished and I don’t want to post them until they each feel a little…

Sarum Studio Painting. Weeks 3 & 4
Time is racing by at Sarum Summer School, which is tiring and enjoyable in equal measure. I haven’t posted anything here for a couple of weeks, because I wanted to finish both of the latest figure and portrait projects first……

The Wilting Peonies
Here’s a slightly larger painting than the ones I have been working on recently. I also took more time over this one, and built up the layers over 3 sessions. The first layer was fairly thin, and very broad –…

A State of Undress
Today’s painting was again quickly completed. It has lead to me considering more about the mark making of brushes and paint, and I really enjoyed more than a little experimentation. Paint handling is like handwriting, and I believe it evolves…

I haven’t been painting at all for a couple of weeks. Here’s a quick alla prima sketch of some large daisies from the garden to get things going again. I’ve been thinking that committing to a painting a day, for…

One to One. The Psychotherapist
I’ve been really quiet on the blogging front lately. In truth, I’ve been snowed under with all sorts of things and my art practise has really suffered. To try and break back into things, here’s a portrait that I was…