Freesias in a tall vase
A very painterly approach to capturing these freesias and the soft lighting that the day provided, and I wanted to keep a fresh and spontaneous feeling to the work. I couldn’t see a lot of detail or definition within the…

Stocks in the Silver Coffee Pot
It’s been a while since my last post as I was unfortunately struck down by a summer bug which has taken a few weeks to get over. I’ve slowly been getting back to normal and started back at the easel…

The Glass Jug
While I was making bread today, I set myself the challenge of painting this unusual glass jug in the time it took to prove the dough and cook it. It’s more of an experiment in texture and reflection than a…

An inch square nervous breakdown
Here’s a small still life painting (better quality photo required) that should have been completed in three shots. Instead, the 2 inch(ish) square containing the blue and white jug became the focus of so many re-workings, the hours spent on…

My Ashmolean Museum of Art treasures
Whenever I visit Oxford I try to call into The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology. Whatever else is exhibiting, I always try to see the following two paintings before I leave. Due to the locations of each of these…

The Three Graces (or quinces in a huddle)
I have a soft spot for quince. As well as liking the fruit, I like the word itself. Until quite recently we had a couple of Quince trees in the garden, but sadly they became diseased, and after consulting two…
Elsewhere on the Web
Here’s a lovely video featuring Isabella Watling painting a sight-size self portrait. I hadn’t thought of setting up the canvas and mirror in this way – although it makes sense now I’ve seen it done. Might give it a go,…

It’s Hard Work
Here’s an Alla Prima sketch that I am in two minds about whether to keep or not. It’s kind of fun, and I like the general composition and concept (for a change), but it isn’t executed very well, and the…

A Study in Reflection
Here’s a rather strained little painting that I undertook in order to study the shape and surface of a funny little coffee pot that was unearthed in a family clear out. I call it strained because I tried to paint…

Something Missing
Here’s a very quick oil sketch of a lemon on a plate. It took about half an hour and I like the immediacy of it.