Gouache figure painting
Following on from watercolour, I have also been experimenting with gouache. It is a medium that I have found to be unlike any other, with its own unique set of advantages and problems. I absolutely hated using it at first,…

A collection of small figure drawings in pencil and paint
I don’t have very much to add by way of comment on these little exercises. The painted figure is the first I’ve tried on the Arches oil paper that I have enjoyed using with still life subjects. Whilst I like…

Figure Drawing
Not much to say about this one. I didn’t spend too long on it, which helped me to keep things loose-ish with visible mark-making and energy here and there.

Back to Class
Here’s a few of the quick gesture sketches from the new term of life sessions at Pegasus. After a lot of drawing sight-size and long poses, I find working quickly, without measuring or the room to stand back from the…

Quick Poses
I went to Pegasus (my favourite art supplier) this weekend in order to stock up on materials. While there I saw a leaflet for a weekly life drawing class, and decided to sign up. Mainly I just want to explore…