Gouache Project, page one
I have really neglected my website this year, and have quite a sizeable backlog of work to post. I’ve been so focussed on painting that I struggle to find time for anything else. In many ways that’s a good thing,…

Clifton Suspension Bridge
I’m still playing around with gouache painting. It’s both incredibly difficult, but also really energising to be learning something new. To keep things a little more controllable I’m allowing myself some time away from life work and am experimenting with…

Gouache Portrait
A really enjoyable little project in gouache, undertaken back in August. I used a limited palette of yellow ochre, venetian red, ivory black, cobalt blue and burnt umber. I’m really pleased with the result. It’s a good likeness and the…

Watercolour Master Copy
The copying of master works as an aid to learning is a centuries old tradition, although it’s not something I have done very much of (if anything at all). Looking for exercises to continue my experiments with watercolour, I thought…

Illuminated Interior
A little watercolour interior. This is a lamp we bought after Nelly accidentally smashed its predecessor (which was something a lot more tasteful). It’s a pretty big table lamp, around 3′ high I would guess, and makes me think of…

Experiments with Watercolour
Although my output over the last few months has been pretty sparse (to say the least), I have been thinking a lot about different mediums and more experimentation. With this in mind I bought a starter set of watercolours and…