News, Gallery Visits, Exhibitions and more…
Well, it feels like a really long time since I posted very much at all. I have several new little nude studies and a couple of larger portraits to photograph and put online over the next few days, as well…

My Ashmolean Museum of Art treasures
Whenever I visit Oxford I try to call into The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology. Whatever else is exhibiting, I always try to see the following two paintings before I leave. Due to the locations of each of these…

Projects and Plans
It’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything, and also a little while since I last picked up the paintbrushes. This is partly due to my taking a bit of time away from the studio, but also because when…

It’s Hard Work
Here’s an Alla Prima sketch that I am in two minds about whether to keep or not. It’s kind of fun, and I like the general composition and concept (for a change), but it isn’t executed very well, and the…

A Study in Reflection
Here’s a rather strained little painting that I undertook in order to study the shape and surface of a funny little coffee pot that was unearthed in a family clear out. I call it strained because I tried to paint…